Follow the 4 basic principles of packaging to make your food more popular


Choice of food  Nowadays, we have entered a new era of consumption, food is no longer simply to fill the stomach, but more is to get spiritual satisfaction while enjoying it. Therefore, when choosing food as a consumer, those that pay attention to quality and taste will be more easily selected among similar products. Food packaging is also affected by this trend. A large number of functional packaging have appeared one after another, and both aesthetic and practical. Follow these four basic principles of food packaging design can make your food more marketable.

Protect the product  A good food packaging should not only protect the internal quality of the food, generally refers to the shelf life and freshness of the product. At the same time, it is necessary to protect the appearance from damage and ensure that food from manufacturers to consumers in the transportation, storage, display of all links to keep the appearance of food intact. Modified atmosphere packaging is filled with fresh-keeping gas and also has the functions of shock and impact resistance, so as to play a protective role.


Easy and convenient  I’m sure everyone has this experience, some packaging is difficult to tear, or there is an easy to tear, but breaks when tear half, also has some large packages of food that are inconvenient to carry and eat, leads to the phenomenon of food wasting. These food packaging experiences will reduce consumer loyalty to their brands and lead to the loss of repeat customers. Therefore, the convenience and easy to tear, excellent sealing technology, and portable small packaging design all show that you attach importance to customer experience and brand humanization.

utien thermoforming packaging

Prominent personality  Only products with individuality can stand out among similar products and give consumers a deep impression. In the aspect of food packaging, the way to prominent individuality can be from the shape, color, pattern of the packaging and the design, selection of packaging materials to prominent the characteristics of food packaging. You can design the individuality of food packaging from the above methods, so as to get the upper hand in the industry.

Novel and chic  Statistics show that when a consumer buys products in a supermarket, he stays only a few seconds in front of each shelf on average. When customers are looking for the products they want on the dazzling shelves, to stand out from similar products and attract their attention, the food packaging design must be trendy. Take the popular vacuum skin packaging as an example, in recent years, it has appeared frequently in our field of vision and gradually recognized by the market. Vacuum skin packaging is often used for packaging fresh meat and seafood. This kind of packaging has a novel appearance, the 3D appearance is clean and beautiful, and prominent food gives a full and attractive feeling.

utien skin packaging

Post time: Sep-23-2021